Quality products

  • Greenland Halibut

    Reinhardtius hippoglossoides

    Greenland Halibut

    Reinhardtius hippoglossoides

    FAO: 21,27

    Product description: Wild caught
    Catching method: Trawl / long-line / gillnet
    Packing: Shatterpacked / IQF / blocks
    Product specification: Whole round, headed and gutted, fillets, portions

  • Lumpfish (roe)

    Cyclopterus lumpus

    Lumpfish (roe)

    Cyclopterus lumpus

    FAO: 21

    Product description: Wild caught
    Catching method: Nets
    Packing: Barrels, 105 kg             
    Product specification: Raw roe

  • Atlantic Cod

    Gadus morhua

    Atlantic Cod

    Gadus morhua

    FAO: 21

    Product description: Wild caught
    Catching method: trawl / long-line
    Packing: shatterpacked, IQF or blocks
    Product specification: fillets, loins, portions or blocks.

We are always at your service

We are certified traders, and we aim to deal with certified suppliers

Responsible fishing practices are essential to secure a healthy ocean and resources for future generations. We work actively to promote sustainable fishing practices by continuously supporting our suppliers’ certification efforts.


While most of our products are already MSC certified, other supplier groups are working to qualify their fisheries for MSC certification as part of a Fisheries Improvement Project.


For us, it's all about supporting the move in the right direction. 


In the end, the future of our business itself depends on the succes of these endeavours.

MSC: Marine Stewardship Council


International non-profit organisation that recognises and rewards efforts to protect oceans and safeguard seafood supplies for the future.


Link to MSC website

"Collaboration, knowledge sharing, and trust are the foundation of the great partnership between our companies"


Erik Sivertsen

CEO, Halibut Greenland


Anne Vinther Morant

Chair of the Board, Kangamiut Group